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Night shelters provide basic shelter for a few nights and charge £2- £5 per night. During the day the accommodation is used for other activities and the homeless must find some place else to go. Many shelters also have rules on alcohol and if mistreated they may not be able to return in the future.  

1 week

Nightshelters are an efficient solution to accommodating a lot of homeless quick. However as there is a limited period to the stay, the problem is not resolved and the homeless have to resort back to the streets and save up for their next stay at the shelter.



As some night shelters charge a fee, the homeless can be saving their change for a week to exchange for one night in shelter. This process again is not beneficial in the long term for the homeless as they are forced back into the cycle of temporary accommodation

long term 





Within my scheme the homeless are housed for a year, during this time they have access to therapy for drug and alcohol abuse, support for housing post the scheme and can gain various skills from the jobs offered there.

1 year

The process of my scheme is linear, because of this the process is long and can't accommodate all the homeless at once. However the homeless leave the scheme with a house and job lined up hence on a long term basis homelessness is resolved.

Funding is brought from the charity shop and canal cafe which are run by the homeless. This funding pays the staff who work in the rehabilitation centre and the post scheme support. Hence the scheme is self sufficient and in theory can maintain as a long term solution to homelessness.

Short term 




  • Accommodates a lot of homeless

  • quick solution to shelter


  • Costs money

  • short period of stay

  • cyclical proces


  • Long term accommodation

  • housing and job post scheme

  • Self sufficient


  • Waiting list

  • accommodates few homeless at a time

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